George Dorris
Founding Editor
New York, NY
George Dorris, the founding co-editor of Dance Chronicle from 1977-2007, contributed regularly to Ballet Review and The Dancing Times, and edited The Royal Swedish Ballet 1773-1998 (Dance Books, 1999). An Associate Editor of The International Encyclopedia of Dance, he has served on the boards of the Dance Perspectives Foundation, the Society of Dance History Scholars, the Dance Critics Association and the World Dance Alliance Americas. He was also a senior researcher on the Popular Balanchine Project of The Balanchine Foundation, and in 2007 was recognized for Outstanding Service to Dance Research by the Congress on Research in Dance. He took his Ph.D from Northwestern University and taught English at Duke University, Rutgers, Queens College CUNY, and finally, from 1967-97 at York College of the City University of New York. . He is also the author of Paolo Rolli and the Italian Circle in London, 1715-1744 (Mouton, 1967).
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